Author: Vishwas Gaitonde

Vishwas Gaitonde's formative years were spent in India. He has lived in Britain and now resides in the United States. His short story collection 'On Earth as It Is in Heaven' won the 2023 Orison Prize in fiction, and will be published by Orison Books. Literary awards include two residencies in fiction at the Anderson Center for Interdisciplinary Studies (Minnesota, USA) scholarships to the Tin House and Sewanee writers’ conferences and fellowships to the Summer Literary Seminar (Montreal, Canada) and Hawthornden Writers Residency (Scotland). He was a finalist in 2020 for The Chautauqua Institution’s Janus Prize “for daring formal and aesthetic innovations that upset and reorder readers’ imaginations.” He was a finalist in The George Floyd Short Story Competition conducted by the Nottingham Writers’ Studio, Nottingham, England, and his story is included in the anthology Black Lives, published in the United Kingdom, with an audio recording posted on the Nottingham City Libraries website.