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Go shoppingToday we formally introduce one of our two Online Short Fiction Editors, Lia Martin. Lia is a London born and bred lifestyle journalist and literature enthusiast. As well as writing short stories, she writes for for various blogs and consumer magazines on arts, culture, health and beauty. Here, she explains what her and Katy Darby are looking for in a short story submission.
In a world where everyone has less and less time, the short story provides the perfect bite-sized escape. With many writers turning their attention to short fiction and winning reputable prizes for their work, and countless awards and events springing up for short story writers, there’s never been a better time to consider this form.
What are we looking for?
You have less space for waffle, backstory, elaborate description and plot complication when writing your short story. We want to read something unforgettable in just a few pages. Something that gets to the point, spares the superfluous language and most importantly of all, surprises us.
We enjoy short stories that consider a character, a moment in time, or perhaps just life itself, in a subtle, nuanced and original way. We admire it when an author picks out small details that add a new dimension to the story. We also love a strong voice and a bold plot, an unanswered question or a compelling dilemma. A good short story is like a weekend away; you’re left wanting more. It never drags.
Over to you
We look forward to receiving your submissions for our weekly online #StorySunday slot, and welcome every genre, style or subject – though not every length, as all stories must be under 4000 words.