“To begin with the weight of his genius absolutely crippled me. I had what I thought was this terrific idea that all the characters would speak as if they were ...
Young Shakespeare tracks down an ancient poet.
A legacy left in ink.
About ...
Echoes of King Lear in modern-day Lancashire.
Hamlet’s “slings and arrows of outrageous fortune” are cast at London.
Dear Reader… We’ve put together Litro #133, an issue devoted to The Bard, as a special gift for his 450th birthday – and to shine the spotlight into some dimly ...
Featuring exclusive fragments from Ben Crystal’s rehearsal diaries on playing Hamlet, new fiction and poetry from David McGrath, Jenn Ashworth, Andrew Pidoux and Pauline Kiernan – plus an interview with ...
Ben Crystal shares exclusive fragments from his rehearsal diaries on playing Hamlet, and considers where Shakespeare might be headed next…