Sally Jenkinson: “However Big You Think You Are”

“Sensuous, surreal, bold and beautiful, Sally Jenkinson’s image-filled poems spill gloriously across the page. Often, a line will leap out and squeeze you by the throat. Poetry that sings from a poet whose song I’d like to hear more of.” –  Kate Fox

This week LitroTV presents Sally Jenkinson reading her poem However Big You Think You Are. Summing up everything you need to know about her in one sentence, “I’m really good at going on holiday, I’m the world’s worst vegan,” Sally is probably one of the busiest poets on the scene.

Being busy has clearly paid off and 2012 was filled with particular career highs for her. Towards the end of the year, her debut collection of poems Sweat-borne Secrets was released by Burning Eye Books to critical acclaim and she also began touring the country with her own show, Folly. A spoken word piece that veers between a play and a miserable poetry musical, “grumpy girl drags broken heart around South-East Asia and wonders what the fuck everybody else is doing there” is accompanied by a guitar score by Nuala Honan.

Sally also lent her skills to Apples and Snakes for their inspiring Shake the Dust project when she agreed to coach to younger poets.

This year doesn’t look set to slow down for her either and, after leading workshops for an up-and-coming art project WORD/PLAY, Sally has now teamed up with us at LitroTV for an exciting on going collaboration. Look out for details of this next week when we get to know Sally better with a Q&A, and she talks about her forthcoming work with LitroTV.

If you are a budding performance poet and could do with a spot of advice, or a fan of Sally’s with a deep yearning to know what her favourite colour is; email your questions to by 15th May to be included.

Emma Cooper

About Emma Cooper

Emma Cooper is editor of Litro's visual arts channel LitroTV. She is a Bedfordshire based writer, passionate about films and books and in particular short stories. You can see more of her writing at and

Emma Cooper is editor of Litro's visual arts channel LitroTV. She is a Bedfordshire based writer, passionate about films and books and in particular short stories. You can see more of her writing at and

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