Author: Arthur Doweyko

As a scientist, Arthur has authored 100+ publications, and shares the 2008 Thomas Alva Edison Patent Award for the discovery of Sprycel, a new anti-cancer drug. He writes hard science fiction, fantasy and horror. His unpublished novel, Algorithm, which is a story about DNA and the purpose of humanity, garnered a 2010 Royal Palm Literary Award (RPLA) and is represented by the Literary Counsel Agency, NY. He has published a number of short stories, many of which were finalists in the 2011-2012 RPLA competitions. P'sall Senji was awarded an Honorable Mention in the L. Ron Hubbard Writers of the Future Contest (2012). He is currently working on a new novel, Angela's Apple, wherein a guardian angel that is not an angel falls in love with a human, and together they uncover the greatest conspiracy ever to face mankind. He lives in Florida with his wife Lidia, happily wandering the beaches when not jousting with aliens.