One-Day Handling Rejection Workshop w/Jenny Knight


This one-off course offers an empathetic, but constructive, focus on reassuring and effective ways writers can best deal with something we all face at some point – rejection. 

Jenny Knight wrote for 20 years, had several agent almost-rans and one brutal experience before securing her agent – and even then, the rejections didn’t necessarily stop. It’s an inevitable, if painful, part of every writer’s life. Jenny will help you uncover ways to help yourself emotionally and practically by exploring:

  • how to better cope when rejection happens
  • how to build a writers’ toolkit that will help you going forward
  • ways in which writers can build resilience
  • the importance of writing community
  • resources to help with all the above


This one-off course offers an empathetic, but constructive, focus on reassuring and effective ways writers can best deal with something we all face at some point – rejection.