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Go shoppingLitro Spring Edition: Japan
‘Japan: Drifting Islands’
This edition features cover art by, and an exclusive interview with, Mari Katayama. It also includes an essay from the acclaimed travel writer Pico Iyer, fiction from Mieko Kawakami, and an essay by Adjei Agyei-Baah highlighting the celebration of the history and growth of Haiku across Africa, and much more.
‘Japan: Drifting Islands’ Spring 2021 edition
At this time of urgent global perspective, how do we envision Japan? Is it still as golden as Marco Polo described and imagined? How do we reach beyond ‘Sushi’, ‘Manga’ or ‘Geisha’? Titled ‘Japan: Drifting Islands’, the issue revisits our view of this island nation with contributors from across the globe, professions and cultures aiming to collectively imagine and sketch an alternative map of the Drifting Islands. Litro, Japan Spring 2021, features cover art by Mari Katayama, and an exclusive interview post-covid. It also includes an essay from the acclaimed travel writer, Pico Iyer, and fiction from award winning novelist Mieko Kawakami. We trace the history and growth of Haiku across Africa and much more.