A meditation on love, mortality, and existential fear. Through the lens of a husband’s vivid, imagined losses, How I Love You explores the fragility of life and the bonds that ...
A surreal, fragmented meditation on humanity’s intersection with technology, memory, and chaos.
A darkly humorous account of a traveler navigating family dynamics and political tensions during a trip to Israel.
In Chipped Red Nail Polish, a striking encounter in a medical lab transforms into a reflection on life, death, and humanity. The chipped red nails of a cadaver serve as ...
Shanghaied, takes readers on a surreal and introspective journey through a layover in Shanghai that unravels into paranoia, mishap, and poignant self-discovery.
Your cousin asks you to ‘say something’ at the christening of her daughter and it genuinely is an honour to be asked and really-all-confusing because in your mind your cousin ...
How can children make sense of change? Recalling hot summers and spam salads, Kim reflects on childhood memories.
In this poignant, personal essay, Tom sits with his terminally-ill uncle, Baz, and explores life, loss and laughter, right up to the end.
“I had lost faith in novelly novels. In their fake plots, fake events, fake characters.” Jonny Aldridge talks autofiction, masculinity and Wes Brown.
“If mystics are right, how many lives can we have?” Michelle finds the myriad joys and surprises that the prophecies of psychics can brings.
You’d never get to see his face, only squeals of alarm, and the sound of a motorcycle zooming away. A sound like a growl, even a menacing roar, over and ...
In the first weeks of the pandemic, an immune-compromised person seeks help from some yoga people.
The cluster of dwellings, a motley collection of ancient ruins and pristine modern cottages, beckoned, as I swerved off the road running parallel to the Noce torrent. ...
The first time that I wrote something, I was in Japan, eating an egg that I’d hard- boiled in a Hello Kitty kettle with Engrish faux-proverbs all over the side. ...
A man walks into the needle exchange.
Sounds like the start of a joke, doesn’t it.
Sculptor Dr Gindi, explores the human soul’s yearning for infinity through her artwork. Her latest sculpture Meandering Souls captures one moment in the soul’s journey: the tender moment between longing ...
He reminded me of a teacher I’d had in grad school, who emphasized focusing on an image of a butterfly flying away as I played.
“When I step into the Redwood Grove of the Arboretum, I enter a different world.” Today’s #EssaySaturday is “Walking in the Arboretum” by Jane Beal.
“My heart rate has been normal and steady since then. Until this trip.” Today’s #EssaySaturday is “Hospitality” by Wendy Lane.
“I hold onto the romantic notion of the cairn as an act of love.” Today’s #EssaySaturday is “On Moving West and Back Again” by Carrie Esposito. ...