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Litro is one of the largest read literary and short stories magazines maintaining literature’s prominence in popular culture.
Litro Online
A fully-fledged literary and creative arts platform. Fostering a global community dedicated to innovative writing.
Litro Represents
Litro Represents is a bespoke agency with the key goal of finding the most promising writers .
Submit to Litro Print: Fiction, Nonfiction, Art, and More
Litro’s print magazine welcomes:
- Short fiction and flash/micro fiction
- Nonfiction: memoir, literary journalism, travel narratives, and more
- Original artwork: photographs, illustrations, paintings, etc.
Submissions should align with the designated theme. Translations into English are also encouraged.
We do not accept novel extracts at this time. Contact with questions.
By submitting to Litro Magazine, submitters agree to receive correspondence about journal updates and submission opportunities from Litro Magazine. You can unsubscribe at any time.
Due to volume of submissions, please note that responses may take up to six months. If you do not hear from us within that time, please reach out.
- All submitted work must be your own.
- Submitted work must not have been previously published—either in print or online. You can submit the same piece to other publications at the same time, but we ask that you withdraw your submission from Litro immediately when it is accepted elsewhere. We do, however, publish original translations if the work has previously appeared in another language.
- Due to print space restrictions, each piece should be about 4,000 words, give or take a little. This is a guideline, not an absolute limit; and in exceptional cases, we will take longer pieces, but in any case no longer than 5,000 words.
- Due to the volume of submissions we receive, please submit only one piece per theme. Additional submissions will unfortunately not be considered. You can submit stories for different themes simultaneously, though we should add that if we choose one story for a particular issue, we wouldn’t normally run another story by the same writer for at least a year to allow room for new authors.
The Author grants Litro the exclusive license to publish the English language Work, in print, audio and electronic form, throughout the world. The Author retains the right to publish the Work in a book-length collection of the Author’s works, or as part of a volume from which the Work is an extract. Read our full terms and conditions.
Issue 190: New Frontiers: blurred borders now open for submissions through till January, 31 Submit Here
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Completed Pieces
If you have a finished piece that can fit into any of our existing categories, please choose a category and submit below. It is best to submit to us a completed piece if you haven’t build up many writing samples yet. If we publish it, you can start pitching to us.
- Not more than 4,000 words
- Works translated into English also welcome.
- Stories do not need to fit our monthly themes, although you are welcome to submit work that does.
- Please also note that we have a rough policy of not publishing another piece by the same author within six months.
- Not more than 800 words
- Works translated into English also welcome.
- Stories do not need to fit our monthly themes, although you are welcome to submit work that does.
- Please also note that we have a rough policy of not publishing another piece by the same author within six months.
- Personal essays, memoir and travel dispatches, the more creative you are with the term “essay” the better.
- We’re looking for stories that go deeper, that scratch beneath the surface of a tale, finding its wider meanings to give our readers something to think about.
- No more than 2,000 words, although this is negotiable in certain circumstances.
- Works translated into English also welcome.
- Personal essays and stories on global affairs, travel, reportage, design that deal with the fascinating aspects of everyday life.
- No more than 2,000 words
- Stories on literature, arts, and culture
- Writing that explore the grey areas between literature and art, and also literature and culture, i.e. the connections between literature & travel, literary & fashion, literature & food, etc. that help us “see” literature in our real world.
- No literary criticism, but we do welcome informed and reflective, even personal, commentary
- No more than 1,500 words
- Reviews on books, films, art and design exhibitions, performance, festivals and events.
- No more than 1,000 words
- A short personal essay on your experience of a short story: how you came upon it, why you loved it, why everyone else should read it.
- Comments/opinions/personal essays on anything that falls under the word ‘political’
- No more than 2,000 words
- No more than 20 photographs
- Optional accompanying essay no more than 2,000 words.
- Minimum commitment: three months, every other week
- Articles on literature/writing, travel, film, music, or art
- Interviews can be done in person, via Skype, phone, or email—or any other means
- Minimum commitment: three months, once a week
- Between 400-800 words long
- Email samples of your writing and three blog pitches
Contributors’ Mailing List
Every month, we also have some specific events and book reviews we’d like covered. If you’d like to receive an email from us every month calling for particular submissions, please sign-up below.
The Author grants Litro the exclusive license to publish the English language Work, in print, audio and electronic form, throughout the world. The Author retains the right to publish the Work in a book-length collection of the Author’s works, or as part of a volume from which the Work is an extract. If you are submitting short fiction, flash fiction, nonfiction or poetry, and we choose to publish it on our website, you also afford us the right to reprint your work in possible print, audio or digital anthologies in the future—subject to due notification to the author. Regrettably, we are unable to pay our contributors at present.
Litro Lab Podcast
For our podcast, we sometimes feature standalone stories—fiction and nonfiction. It can follow the month’s theme, or not, and must be no longer than five minutes.
You can submit an MP3 recording of your short story; it must be your story, but someone else may read it if you’d prefer (please credit them with a link). Please also submit a written version of your piece. Contact with questions.
*You can submit MP3s of pieces previously published elsewhere in written form, but please make sure you have the right to let us publish it in audio form. We are not responsible for the copyright infringement of work submitted to us.
**We also run audio interviews and readings with authors, episodes exploring a particular theme/subject such as Japanese folk tales, and even real-world reportage. If you’d like to participate — either as a guest or a producer — or if you just have a bright idea, please get in touch with Interviews.
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Do you accept audio essays?
Jennifer – we do. Just submit as much info as the Submittable form allows, and we’ll get back in touch. Thanks!
How do I get to submit my works please?
Hi Achi, please visit; and follow the instructions.