Director Julia Burbach promises to reimagine Lucretia for the Me Too era, yet quite how she would pull this off was puzzling some audience members in the Arcola bar before ...
Rabiah Hussain had given up on having her debut play performed. As a second generation British Pakistani writer she’d found that theatre programmers expected plays about terrorism and fundamentalism. She ...
In 2005, Mike Bartlett’s formally experimental Not Talking found a home on BBC Radio 3 after being rejected from multiple theatres. In 2018 – amazingly – it is being performed ...
Neil Bartlett’s take on Albert Camus’ seminal novel is bold and effective – even if it sacrifices some important scenes in the name of economy.
In 2006, Kurt Vonnegut told a class of schoolchildren how art could benefit their souls. Now, at the Arcola Theatre, fifty East London teens show that they have heeded his ...
Hispanicist-in-residence Charlotte Fereday surveys the Arcola’s revival of three Spanish Golden Age plays.
Adini Söyle (Say Your Name), at the Arcola Theatre, gives a comprehensive digest of Istanbul’s 2013 Gezi Park protests. It’s a shame that it told more than it showed, argues ...
Grimeborn Festival, a season of unorthodox operas at London’s Arcola Theatre, may take its name from Glyndebourne, but Lochlan Bloom will be surprised if it shares many of its visitors…