An inevitable accompaniment to this scene of a city hospital under siege was the sight of foreign physicians. The names of these doctors—names like Srivastava, Patel, Khan, Iqbal, Hussein, Venkateswara, ...
I can tell she’s newly arrived from India. She has that smell which wraps itself around women and men and children newly arrived from India; of pickles and incense and ...
We soon got to the sex and lies. At first he told me he and his wife were in an ‘open relationship.’ Then he said he was torn between his ...
Jamie’s stories died that night, because all stories are based on two things. There should be at least one listener who appreciates them. And there should be hope on which ...
To understand our family is to know about the warehouse. Magic things happened there. Our fortunes fluctuated. We ran a small international company by each of us occupying every single ...
Forgive your country every once in a while.
If that is not possible, go to another one.
-Ron Padgett
When I returned home I went into the kitchen and my partner and my ex-father-in law were both looking for it. They’d emptied out the cutlery drawer and the cupboards ...
India is the only country that has an official acronym for its expatriates—NRIs, or Non-Resident Indians.
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