Are we a society of loyal sceptics? Those who believe you must gain certainty and security in a hazardous world that you just cannot trust.
This might explain, why there ...
We’re so well-taught to sit down and take it, to not cause a stir. This is the way things are, you don’t shake things up, you deal with it. You ...
Supriya Ambwani investigates how the pervasive idea of cow veneration in India has affected the country’s milk and beef industries, and even the landscape.
A decade ago the web remained quarantined indoors, anchored to desktops by Ethernet umbilical cords, and a good novel could still help to pass the time on a heaving tube ...
Sam Dodson ponders why we are so stung when the truths revealed in a celebrity memoir turn out to be lies. Conversely, why do we willingly watch, read and engage ...
Gwen Smith considers the unsung merits of North Wales, Durham, canal boat holidays and the W.I as potential settings for murder mystery novels.
With every sequel, with every repetition of form and the creation of tropes, our ability to find a little mystery we can relate to disappears.We begin to know what a ...
Gwen Smith looks at the current controversy over the role of the “sugar daddy” phenomenon in Africa, and the treatment of the concept in the Western media.
Would Mr Darcy have got on with Facebook? Gwen Smith considers the social media savviness of her favourite literary characters.
When I worked as a call girl, I relied on, and needed, denial to function in life. That denial was essential in order to work. To have sex with men ...
In this, the first of her columns for Litro challenging Indian attitudes to the sacred cow, Supriya Ambwani questions the Hindu ban on eating beef, investigates what’s behind the traditional ...