“I’d been out with other women over the past year, but Madeline tripped some wires inside me…” Today’s #StorySunday is “The New Dress” by Patrick Partridge.
“After he’d gone, her friend Cecilia said missing cats like Murakami’s kickstart stories.” Today’s #StorySunday is “Mae misses Kitaj” by Chris Vaughan.
“I saw a chasm grow below, letting in the sea…” Today’s #StorySunday is “Sailcloth” by Toni Osgood.
“You’re getting too old to shag in a van.” Today’s #StorySunday is “The Roses & the Weeds” by Elinora Westfall.
“You’d warned your husband you’d ruin a girl if you ever had a daughter.” Today’s #StorySunday is “All Clear” by Sofie De Smyter.
“We argued about whose God was bigger… We argued about whose God was better.” Today’s #StorySunday is “The Water and the Blood” by Jason Jawando.
“‘True romance,’ said Oren, ‘is pain. It is fruitless, blinding passion.'” Today’s #StorySunday is “Perfectly Lovely” by Hadley Franklin.
“Just a little ? That’s not enough,” I said. “It has to taste like our marriage.” Today’s #StorySunday is “Karma” by Ernestina Aggrey.
“Temple wanted to be a machine… So did I… That is, until I fell in love, with common flesh and bone.” Today’s #StorySunday is “Wetware” by Steve Smith.
“If there was no one to assure her she was sexy, then was she… Maybe she was due another crisis.” Today’s #StorySunday is “Joey Ferrari” by Ruth Lacey.
“What happened the morning after Kjelläna’s funeral was an omen I’ll never understand.” Today’s #StorySunday is “In the Shadow of Memory” by Chinkeung Li.
A couple faces a dilemma in a village in early medieval England, in Today’s #StorySunday, “All Hallows’ Day” by Michael Toolan.
“Malik opened the door and saw his girlfriend, Faith, standing with his ex-girlfriend, Alina. He took a step back.” Today’s #StorySunday is “The Prosecco and the Plunger” by Toye Oladinni.
“It’s an easy mistake to make, actually, to not realise you’re dead.” Today’s #StorySunday is “Bad Influencer”, by Donna Fisher.
“It was a fisherman who spotted me first and all he saw was the eel-man with seaweed for hair.” Today’s #StorySunday is “Bucca!” by Jae Vail.
“They couldn’t find a babysitter, almost everyone was in the Queue.” Today’s #StorySunday is “Waiting Snake”, by Daniela Esposito.
“The birthday girl has all my attention.” Today’s #StorySunday is “I Could Be Having This Conversation with Myself” by George Charonidis.
“‘I’m here about the fridge,’ Steve said.” Today’s #StorySunday is the quietly devastating “Trimming the Fat” by David H. James.
“That night, as the man tossed in knotted bedsheets, the corpse took root.” Today’s #StorySunday is “By Their Fruits Shall Ye Know Them” by John Steciuk.
“Those strange clay hills eroded by wind and the merciless breath of hidden gods…” Our latest #StorySunday is “Craco” by Greta Colombani.