Vanessa Bell,Virginia Woolf’s sister, gets a voice of her own to muse on flowers, loss, and the rendering of life on a canvas.
Podcast: ...
Woolf dared to take herself seriously as a writer, to insist on the importance of her enterprises. This was, to her, the symbolism of the room of one’s own: that ...
Thea Hawlin goes to St Olave Hart Hall, Virginia Woolf’s favourite church, to relive the author’s steps.
As Shakespeare in Love opens at the Noel Coward Theatre, Xenobe Purvis looks at how generations have shaped the Bard in their image.
Is social media changing our language? Dale Lately looks at slanguage, speakwrite and the unlikely precedent of Virginia Woolf’s txt spk.
I bought a new diary today. One of my New Year’s resolutions, probably like thousands of other people across the country, was to get into the discipline of writing a ...