Author: Omar Imady

Omar Imady is an international novelist, scholar, and poet. He was born in Damascus to an American mother and Syrian father, and grew up in a world of constant, vibrant contrasts. In his creative work, Omar weaves together threads from the multifarious dimensions of his life, binding fact to fiction through thought-provoking and often controversial narratives. He is the author of two works of fiction, The Gospel of Damascus (2012) and his latest work, When Her Hand Moves (Villa Magna Publishing, 2022). This most recent work combines themes of the sensual and the sacred, the intellectual and the imaginary, the divine and the dangerous in three stories which examine, interrogate, and challenge our understanding of universal truths. In addition to fiction, Omar has also written on Syria's recent political history in The Unauthorised Biography of a Damascene Reformer (Pen and Sword Books, 2023).