LitroTV Launches!

Back in July 2010, we posted a review of John Cooper Clarke’s show for the London Literature Festival:

John Cooper Clarke, photo by Tim Duncan
John Cooper Clarke, photo by Tim Duncan

The Bard of Salford was on good form, despite the temperature. Now in his 60s, he still has the style of Bob Dylan, mixed with the dead-pan delivery of Alan Bennett and just the right sprinkle of Bernard Manning. He delivered a stream of curiously old-fashioned stand-up, interspersed with his own brand of rapid-fire performance poetry. His disjointed jokes and puns revelled in an infectious love of language, perfect for a literary festival.

You can read the whole review by Emily Cleaver here.

Litro is keen to support performance poetry and the spoken word. Our Litro Live! events aim to bring you the latest talent, as well as great music. This year, we want to take this further.

Last month we launched LitroTV on YouTube. To celebrate, we want readers to send us video performances of  their readings. The winners will be featured on the YouTube channel. Videos should be no more than five minutes in length. Please send them to

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