A haunting tale of a father’s desperate search for his missing daughter unfolds on a mysterious lake, revealing secrets that echo through time.
Dive into the enchanting world of ‘Maquettes,’ a tale of love, miniaturists, and the magic that unfolds on a small stage.
Snow White reimagined: a captivating twist that reimagines the classic tale with wit, wisdom and empowerment.
Join Isla and Louis for a Friday night down the Gold Star, where the pulse of London’s gentrification meets the heartbeat of traditional pubs. A compelling narrative unraveling the challenges ...
Dive into the mesmerizing currents of “Meeting the Water Again,” a surreal tale set in the romantic canals of Venice. Follow the protagonist’s journey through heartbreak, ancient secrets, and the ...
Unveil the emotional journey of a mother in “The Spiral and the Sticks.” Delve into the intricacies of budgeting, family bonds, and the magic that turns an affordable off-season holiday ...
Step into the enigmatic afterlife, embodied in the quaint yet haunting setting of a timeless pub. Litro Magazine’s gripping short story, ‘The Lock-In,’ unfolds within the walls of Cross Keys, ...
‘Correspondence’ explores the intersection of past and present, art and memory. Join the protagonist as they navigate emails from a mysterious aunt, encounter surreal events in a Slovenian residency, and ...
How well do we really know the ones we choose to meet?
“The past was bleak, the present desolate, and I was free to pity myself.” Alone and heartbroken, we escape to Paris and experience the beauty of friendship.
“Sometimes laughing feels like crying.” A frozen bag of fish can make or break this marriage, in Mick Stratta’s “Cod Provençal.”
“It’s a cruel sort of intimacy, but it binds.” The sorrowful tale of a washed-up whale, and the ways community deals with change.
“There was a lot of spite in our family.” A story of explosive grief and simmering tensions in a family who struggle to come together.
“The personal is political; we’ve always agreed on that.” A story of queer love in the face of personal and political difficulties.
“I’d been out with other women over the past year, but Madeline tripped some wires inside me…” Today’s #StorySunday is “The New Dress” by Patrick Partridge.
“After he’d gone, her friend Cecilia said missing cats like Murakami’s kickstart stories.” Today’s #StorySunday is “Mae misses Kitaj” by Chris Vaughan.
“I saw a chasm grow below, letting in the sea…” Today’s #StorySunday is “Sailcloth” by Toni Osgood.
“You’re getting too old to shag in a van.” Today’s #StorySunday is “The Roses & the Weeds” by Elinora Westfall.
“The future is a rumour, the trader said.” Read the final installment of AJW’s magnificent, timeless piece: “Cap de Creus III.”
“Maybe I could not see the future made, the on and the off, or what I could have thought.” The next installment of this captivating read.