They are building the wall in the swamp, digging the trench, maintaining the sluices to keep the area dry. Still, water seeps in. The wall will never stand ...
For a hungry populace, cigarettes, easily transported, standardized and divisible, bought food. At the time the Allies rationed less than 1000 calories per day. With cigarettes as money one ...
It’s been twenty years since the Russian army left here, and no one’s used it since. As we struggle along the path to the house, snagging our clothes on thorns ...
All your life you know that you will die someday, but you don’t know it the way you know that your eyes are blue or that you prefer port to ...
Willkommen! At the helm of European policy, champion of the Euro, home of the largest economy in the union, Germany would appear to be one of Europe’s biggest success stories, ...
‘My grandmother wanted to stay here,’ says Sigrid unexpectedly. ‘I read her old diaries, when she died. She talked about Prora like paradise. How great the Führer was, to build ...
I was surprised by the waiting room, it was so bare, there was nothing to read anywhere. There was only one diagram on the wall which illustrated the stages ...