A young wife with more than football on her mind.
On the electrical relationship between Brazilians and the ocean.
Dear Readers,
We come back to writing from Brazil this year for a moment of betweenness. The World Cup is a year away. The Pope’s July visit came in the wake ...
Featuring stories and poetry by Ana Rüsche, Luisa Geisler, Juliana Frank, Marília Garcia, Paloma Vidal, Miriam Mambrini, Ana Paula Maia, Marina Colasanti and Carola Saavedra.
About Litro Online
An outsize hero abandons his job and wreaks havoc among the measured bourgeois of the city.
A Brazilian remembers rainy days in London.
A manicurist fosters a dark secret.
On the impossibility of imagining true sightlessness.
Tracing family across borders and generations.
How-and why-not to be desperate to lose your virginity.
On seeing clothes not unworn and mountains not unmoving.
Can a fictional creation really step off the page?