(All my white “friends” who chose to continue associating leisurely with the man who sexually assaulted me on my year abroad—because he was funny, because he was generous, because he ...
Written in 31 pieces during her 31st year, this essay attempts to address a series of anxieties about place by collecting every ticket stub received by the author in 2015.
There’s one thing I agree with Trump about and that is to not be afraid. Because to give fear to a brute like Trump is to give him even more ...
Who am I to judge a book by its cover, its genre, or its advocate who I met in a charity book shop on a cold, dark, and gritty afternoon?
What struck me was not the general theatrics of the whole thing but Trump’s phrase, the words ‘believe me’.
For the first time since I instigated my daily writing habit, it felt like it had become a millstone around my neck; it was dangerously close to becoming a chore.
Eventually he went on to theorise and subsequently pave the way for one of the most bizarre delusions in the history of human thought. The monopoly economy, or in other ...
Writing code and writing prose are two entirely different pursuits. Yet, despite their inherent differences, they have some similarities which I find interesting to observe.
The paper this morning exclaimed, “A Woman Fresh From Jail After A Nunchuk Attack Is Now Accused Of Chasing A Stranger Off A King County Metro Bus – With A ...
As Bernie Sanders bowed out of his bid to become the next president of the US, he vowed that ‘the political revolution will continue.’ But what is the revolution that ...
The postman knocks with a parcel, but he first hands me a collection of colourful leaflets. “Here’s your junk,“ he says.
Intermittent problems are the worst type of problem. They are not even definable. They could happen at any moment and the reasons are unclear. In my world of web development, ...
I checked Google Maps for the walking time to our car. I noticed a new mode of transport listed in the Google Maps app and it was a taxi ride ...
I think my adoration of charity shops is also rooted in my desire to rebel against the soulless technology that surrounds me on a daily basis. I have spent a ...
One would think that we would have developed beyond that kind of self-destructive behaviour, but even in our modern “democratic” society (don’t worry I’m not going to get political) it ...
I have an urgency, an itch to write and write and write. For three days straight. For five. For more. I wish to plunge to the depths of Kerouac and ...
The hall was almost full. An assortment of nerds and geeks packed out the cavernous room like sardines on a spaceship destined for Mars. The atmosphere was electric, but not ...
I discovered Medium around a year ago. Medium was developed by a co-founder of Twitter with the aim of complementing Twitter’s microblogging model with a platform that would support the ...
Ways To Use Technology To Help With Daily Writing
I have a MacBook Pro. On said MacBook, I run a Windows 8.1 Virtual Machine (VM) for whenever I need to use a native Windows environment for something or other. ...