Dear D.B.

Photo by Steve Depolo via Flickr


Hey there D ——,

I thought you knew where I’d gotten to, cuz you didn’t ask in the last email…..cell number is now 010-3792086,,,,,,,but it’s overseas, so I doubt you can call…i’ve been trying to be good,,,, but you know how it is…..never enough time for enough art….how’s ruby???? she’s a good dog…she liked those yogurts I brought her, too…..

what about that old car you had??????what a classy classic car —- don’t make ‘em like they used to….you got any new projects???? You do good work, there D……you go to the classy cars’ night over there by the river at the ice cream place by the church??????

you still on COTTON in the same bun-glow on the hill???? Your neighbors ever find a job….the new neighbors any good??? wot happened to that guy with the pit-bulls he was trying to breed????? he said he wanted to go to Florida …you’ve got a tough neighborhood these days, those big city kids moving in to that old retirement village with those cute boathouses from the good old days beef0-r they made the river a park…………………….

Sending  some sketching…..when can I sell some of this crap?????? Day job is good but I got spooooooiiiiiiil-ed before. Paycheck is good though, and health insurance, jump through whatever hoops, roll over, etc……

You wanna hear this funny story, D??????? I’m studying languages these days as like my fifth hobby. ….started studying French last year, cuz you know if you want to do art for serious you know it’s like the thing….well, anyway, it was going okay, you know like an hour a day. …….then I noticed, well, here in the city, whenever I studied French, whenever I went outside everyone would be smoking….I’d be walking and there would be some guy ahead of me walking and smoking……I was waiting at the light on the sidewalk, some guy would stand near me and just light up and start smoking…..this was totally F—king out of control….

Now I have only three or four hobbies, two languages, five different projects…..but I’m getting skeptical about the art career if I don’t speak F….. …get this, too, now whenever I write in my planner that I’m gonna call someone I start getting asthma that day…I just don’t get it…thinking of you…I’d call but this is just weird. —–so now I’m writing some short stories, this could be a story….hey, D, sci fi. You like sci fi? Drop me a line sometime. Glad you liked the other stuff I sent.



Tamara Visco

About Tamara Visco

Tamara graduated from high school in Connecticut many years ago. Since then she has lived in Southern California, upstate New York, Boston, and South Korea.

Tamara graduated from high school in Connecticut many years ago. Since then she has lived in Southern California, upstate New York, Boston, and South Korea.

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