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Artist statement: Through all of my work, I seek to express and highlight the intersectional ways in which we experience the places and spaces around us. As a collage artist, I work to disseminate the value of accessible art practice. Collage incorporates fragmented images from recycled materials to express my experiences with gender-based violence, loneliness, and feminism. My goal with these pieces is to encourage others to reflect on their own experiences – and to foster new ways of thinking.
Editor’s Note on the Loneliness Issue
We want to thank the contributors who have made this month’s Loneliness issue possible. These stories, essays and works of art have given an exquisitely creative window into the realities of everyday human experiences, with their loss, memory, love, solace, pain and joy.
This past year has seen a steep rise in loneliness and mental health concerns due to the necessary Covid-19 isolation practices.
We at Litro acknowledge and support the need to address these concerns and stand in solidarity with those suffering from mental illnesses and loneliness.
Here’s a short list of resources for the United Kingdom and the United States:
United Kingdom
Samaritans provides confidential, non-judgemental, emotional support for people experiencing feelings of distress or despair, including those that could lead to suicide. You can phone, email, write a letter, or speak to someone face-to-face.
Side by Side is an online community where you can listen, share, and be heard. Side by Side is run by Mind.
ChildLine is a private and confidential service for children and young people up to the age of nineteen. You can contact a ChildLine counsellor for free about anything.
For further UK resources, visit Time for Change
United States
The Jed Foundation is an organization committed to the mental and emotional health of college students. It offers training tools for campus professionals to improve their mental health services for students.
Freedom and Fear is an online non-profit advocacy organization that contains a wealth of research-based information and treatment referrals for anxiety and depression.
Here are 60 Digital Resources available to the American public across a wide range of needs, from depression and anxiety to substance abuse and domestic circumstances.
For more resources, and information on getting help and taking action, visit Mental Health America’s site.
About Katie Hamill
Katie is a doctoral student and visual artist living, working, and playing on the unsurrendered and unceded traditional lands of the Wolastoqiyik peoples on the east coast of Canada.