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And the cabaret stage is a wonderland sublime on whose hallowed surface performers strut and gesture amid sequins and gaiety, feather boas vivid in the spotlights glare and music fills the night with a sly take, for are we not here to celebrate the difference which makes us unique, the pride which underpins everything we do, laughs in the face of those playground bullies, dances on the grave of oppression?
Robert Garnham
Celebration is not futile, it’s a way to practice resilience. In this piece, Robert Garnham reminds us that even when we can’t travel, we still have memories to live through. If you could travel anywhere right now to have a good time and celebrate life, where would you go? What is that place that inspires joy?
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About Robert Garnham
LGBT comedy performance poet based in Devon. 2017, mentioned as having one of the funniest jokes of the Edinburgh Fringe. Three collections published by Burning Eye and a comedy poetry album, ‘Juicy’. Writer of short stories, (nominated for the Pushcart Prize, 2021), and humour newspaper columns. Made two TV adverts for a certain bank.