An elderly woman, seeking solace in a nostalgic hotel visit, disappears into a doll’s house exhibit, never to be found again…
A haunting tale of a father’s desperate search for his missing daughter unfolds on a mysterious lake, revealing secrets that echo through time.
“The air hung with inevitability. The sea still rose and fell in muted waves.” Today’s tense and mysterious #TuesdayTales piece is “The Storm Collector” by Rebecca Hawkins.
‘The Aosawa Murders’ is a joy to read. It is cleverly paced and constructed so that each new chapter brings more fragments and clues for us to stitch together, to ...
This week on Litro Lab is Jan Andre Kallestad’s “The Mirrors”. Normally Karin sleeps soundly. On this night though it’s not a good night’s sleep.
Podcast: ...
Is Wild Ink a mystery, a black comedy about those on the fringes of society, or an alternative thriller about terrorism in London?
Marc Pastor – author of our latest Litro Book Club read, Barcelona Shadows – discusses his work as a CSI, and reveals why he doesn’t trust Grissom.
David Mitchell’s ambitious new novel addresses the metaphysical, but is grounded in a realism that both disturbs and amuses.
Impossible architecture, spooky stories and fabulous fairytales all feature in the winning photos in our “Mystery” themed photo competition.
Litro contributor Richard House tells us about his four-novel series The Kills, a political thriller and epic literary project that’s set to be one of the literary events of the ...
“Women with desire and devilry in their eyes. Detectives with pistols in their paws and not enough luck to fill a matchbox. Damp, deserted roadways. Hot-sheet motels. Women in peril, ...
Perhaps you, reading this, can now begin to understand the panic that seized me. This is my life! The Zanetti in this strange book is the same Zanetti standing in ...
“To come here you must risk not only the bear’s meathook claws but the jaws of the orca, the nose of the wolf, perhaps even the magic of some stranger ...
Of the two possible reasons to be brought out of stasis, I figured this must be the second. Since I could just make out the vague outline of Pluto, the ...
Samuel Dodson argues that real Scottish characters are mysteriously missing from English literature.
In the mornings the fishing boats collect. In the grey-blue mist of the nearly-light they arrive at the harbour mouth, their decks heaped (or not) with last night’s catch. Here ...
I died before I was born. My slate wasn’t clean but marred with half-erased sentences and distorted images. I’ve tried to smooth the etchings, but it’s difficult to repair a ...
Featuring fiction and nonfiction from Mazin Saleem, Thomas Binns, Anniken Blomberg, Oli Belas, Elishia Heiden and Helen Jukes.
Book events, theatre, film, comedy and exhibitions for the month.
The critic Tzvetan Todorov once suggested that the trick to writing a successful detective story was being sure not to innovate. The great genre work is that which best and ...