Embracing A Digital Future: Why Covid-19 Sparked Positive Change

Every crisis is accompanied by its fair share of lessons and Covid-19 is no different. Just days after the US embraced lockdown, businesses found themselves facing a stark reality – abandon traditional approaches to operations or face the prospect of shutting up shop completely.

Social distancing posed the greatest challenge. Work places and spaces were no longer viable, supply chains were disrupted and demand for services worldwide dropped dramatically.

Embracing a digital outlook was suddenly critical. For those business owners who had struggled to bridge the gap between awareness and action for so long, their workforce was remote and working from the cloud before they had time to fully digest what was happening.

Even the most primitive set ups rushed to embrace digital solutions, such as contemporary  websites from specialist designers like Web Design London.

Digital transformation agendas were top of the list for leading executives and survival instinct was the order of the day for getting things done. Who would have thought a global pandemic would spark such dramatic change across the global working world, placing digital transformation at the heart of every single business worldwide, whether large or small?

These are the top 3 ways digital transformation disrupted global operations:  

1.   Employee Experience As Central To Productivity

Employee experience in the workplace has long been consigned to HR policies and IT sectors in particular found it a hard topic to digest.

In every company, IT departments were renowned for putting budgets before employee concerns, resulting in a widespread reluctance to invest in the quality of tech employees consistently requested.

The answer was always the same: the quality equipment in question was not necessary for the level of work that needed to be done.

Yet, the arrival of lockdown suddenly meant the great debate about working from home was no longer an option, it was law. In addition, the tech issue was no longer up for discussion -it was a necessity and it needed to work and work well.

It was a profound and earth-shattering moment. Debates that had raged for years in organisations across the globe were swept away in seconds. It was simple, do or die.

Suddenly, teams across the world were completely reliant on modern, tech-based solutions for every aspect of their business operations. From collaborations with colleagues to the completion of projects, it all had to be executed digitally. This is a powerful change that has lasting implications, destined to alter the importance of employee experience in the future.

2.   Unprecedented Demand For Tech Support

With work now localised and facilitated through an increasing range of virtual devices and tech, the need for tech support exploded. With the change to remote working imposed so swiftly and from a government level, users of all knowledge capacities suddenly needed to use technology for professional contexts.

From FAQs to tech-support, chatbots and multi-functional tech support teams, employees and business owners are actively using a wide range of tech support on a regular basis.

As a result, employees and other important stakeholders have discovered a range of ways to resolve issues on the go and improve productivity – skills that have revolutionised the pace of digital transformation across the globe. A leap that is truly remarkable.

3.   Increased Clarity Around Automation

Automation has long been a controversial topic shrouded in fear of the consequences of conceding space to robots. In particular, there was always an argument that automation would ruin job security and cause huge job losses.

Yet Covid-19 turned things upside down. During the pandemic, when employers rushed to protect employees working in production, it was to automation they turned. Today the benefits of automation are clearer than ever.

The evolution of automation is now part of our survival.

Instead of igniting fears about job replacement, automation is now viewed in terms of its effectiveness in aiding the production of important goods we need to survive, leaving execs eager to deploy automated tech in the workplace. A dramatic u-turn indeed.


Following the outbreak of Covid-19, digital transformation is now staring us back in the eye.

There is no longer anyone able to deny the importance of adopting tech-based solutions and investing in top quality tech. In fact, from now on, all companies will be taking their investment in digital solutions far more seriously to ensure they are fully equipped to survive any future storms – storms that may indeed be on their way. Proof that innovation has always been our ally – a realisation that could bring ground-breaking change in the future.



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