Litro call for collaborators


Litro call for collaborators: immersive storytelling about rough sleepers’ and migrants experiences.

Litro are the innovative storytelling platform in print & online based at Somerset House. We are now developing a new site-specific content and delivery platform for immersive experiences in public spaces and are seeking partners to collaborate on this platform’s further development and deployment. In particular we are looking for potential partners interested in making a joint application to The Innovate UK Smart Grant for the autumn round of funding in October 2019. The potential project focuses on conveying the experience of rough sleepers and migrants on the streets of London by capturing their stories in audio, video, print and VR. Working with partners like St Pancras International station and Shelter, the stories will then be shared with the public in specially designed listening booths.

The Project Platform Outline:

1) The subject – 10 subjects (rough sleepers and migrants) will be followed for a period of a month – to capture each subjects story on audio, video and print.

2) The deployment environment – Working with partners such as St Pancras International station – audiences will be able to listen to the stories – in specially designed listening booths, for health and safety (mental and emotional support) we plan to team up with organisations such as Shelter – whose staff will be on hand for decompression and exit of audiences.

3) The content – For longevity of the project – stories will published in print and made available online – future plans would be to enable interactive VR storytelling – i.e.: audiences could for instance experience a rough sleepers at night or a migrants journey to the UK etc.

4) The content delivery booths – The demo for the booths should be easily transportable as we would plan to tour the project around major cities of the UK with potential to look at global cities such as NYC, San Francisco, where Litro currently operates.

Snapshot of the potential collaborator we are seeking:

We are interested in speaking with companies in the Gateway cluster with a range of capabilities in immersive content production, experience in production of immersive experiences for public audiences, experience in implementing public facing immersive experiences, and capabilities in designing and producing the external content ‘Delivery Booths’.

We believe this project has great potential to help in developing engaging immersive story telling experiences & make the next generation of storytelling even better, and hope you will join us in this new endeavour.

Please contact to express interest.

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