The author of Gods Without Men discusses myths, UFOs, and the future of literature... I think it’s time to expand our thought of what literature can be. At the moment, ...
Dear Reader,
The New Year is traditionally a time for looking forward. We plan and reprioritise, making resolutions and setting our course for the ...
Chuck Palahniuk discusses Fight Club 2 and his latest novel, Beautiful You.
Dear Reader,
We all know the whims of lady luck. Looking back on 2014, most of us will have had our fair share of ...
In discussion with the award-winning author of Young Skins.
Dear Reader,
Welcome to Litro #138, our Horror issue. Within these pages we have some unique visions of what makes our skin crawl: hauntings ...
Dear Reader,
For the last hundred years, we have been constantly imagining – and reimagining – our destiny. Science fiction writers and directors have ...
Dear Reader,
Here at Litro, we believe that emerging writers are just as important as the old vanguard – in fact, they’re often more ...
Dear Reader,
Sometimes the future approaches at frightening speeds. It feels like only yesterday that we were wowed by the birth of the iPhone ...
Cyberpunk guru Bruce Sterling gives us the lowdown on Augmented Reality.
“To begin with the weight of his genius absolutely crippled me. I had what I thought was this terrific idea that all the characters would speak as if they were ...
Dear Reader… We’ve put together Litro #133, an issue devoted to The Bard, as a special gift for his 450th birthday – and to shine the spotlight into some dimly ...
I find that the fun comes either side of the writing: having ideas is fun, and seeing the finished thing is fun, but the bit in the middle is just ...
Berlin: Imagine a City explores the complex history and lasting attraction of one of Europe’s most troubled cities, through an innovative mixture of history, biography and imagination.
“She initially comes across as good fun but superficial, but Stevie knows what is important – friendship, loyalty and justice… Stephanie or Steph just wouldn’t suit her. She has a ...
Dear Reader,
On 8 March, thousands of events will be held across the world to help inspire women and celebrate their achievements. International Women’s ...
There’s never going to be a shortage of horrifying public figures to make fun of. I’m sure they would get a lot of mileage out of Vince Cable for a ...
Thirty-six years after Ian McEwan’s debut was published, a new theatrical adaptation of The Cement Garden at the VAULT Festival proves that it still has the power to shock.
The new Kindle Paperwhite is in many ways the peak of current ebook technology. From the sleek, lightweight design to the touchscreen technology and the clear, crisp reading experience, ...
I’m fascinated by the relationship between booze and writing. I can’t write after having a drink but I do revise. I like what Guy Debord said about it: “I have ...