Read our three PEN/Robert J. Dau Short Story Prize nominees!

Yannick Pulver

Immerse yourself in these beautiful stories from our emerging writers who have been nominated for the PEN/Robert J. Dau Short Story Prize for Emerging Writers competition!

Brock Turley Was in Westerns

By Anthony Picton

“Directly across from Sinatra was Brock Turley. I knew that it was Brock Turley because it was the only one of the pictures to be signed, in an almost comically neat freehand at the bottom left of the photo. There was a strange, mannered flourish at the end of the ‘y’ that curled back over itself and encircled the rest of the name in a perfect little bubble, a gesture almost childlike in its blend of precision and absurdity. Brock Turley was everything Sinatra wasn’t.”

 Read the full story here!

Liminal Life

By Mercedes-Georgia Mayes

“Wounded, emboldened, I chastise myself for thinking. I avert my eyes from the woman and turn my head to look idly down the other end of the carriage, letting my thoughts spiral elsewhere as my eyes fasten themselves to the different surfaces: the sparkle-speckled synthetic flooring; the grey patches of gum that had been squashed into an amalgam with it; the bright orange metal poles stationed for us to hang onto as we fought against the forceful sway of every stop.”

Read the full story here!

Customer Enquiry

By A.C.

Dear Customer #9375508,

“Thank you for letting us know about your unsatisfactory experience. While our engineers at Girlfriend Factory™ are working hard to remove all technical difficulties, our customer service representatives are here to provide you with any emotional support you might need. Should you desire to learn more about the human component of the customer support process, you will find a brief bio at the end of this email.”

Read the full story here!

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