A haunting, magical realism tale of love, transformation, and the mysterious bond between a couple and an enigmatic dog with unsettling secrets.
A wedding marred by revelations. Katherine, torn between choices, confronts truth amid familial chaos & an exploration of hidden lives unfolds.
“I would gaze up at the stars and sink into my dreams like honey.” A quiet tale of relationships, alcohol, and (mis)communication.
A ghost inside can make Scorpio and Taurus very happy’ is about love and connection, making jokes and making a cake, a delicious chocolate cake that has, surprise surprise, a ...
“You have to focus on the good things. How would you cope otherwise?” Happiness after grief: today’s #TuesdayTale is “River” by Sarah Turner.
Sculptor Dr Gindi, explores the human soul’s yearning for infinity through her artwork. Her latest sculpture Meandering Souls captures one moment in the soul’s journey: the tender moment between longing ...
Would a more loving partner have pieced the clues together? Should I have known? It seemed so obvious now.
“The shape of her grew smaller and smaller until she was only a speck at the edge of the road.”
“I always wanted to build a house beside the lake with her. It would’ve been a place where we could grow old and fat together and be buried in the ...
I liked Ben enough. I didn’t love him; I could never love someone so whole.
He drives a bus, he lives above a shop, he drinks cheap wine, and he is now alone.
Our evenings are filled with hospital dramas and 10:00pm bedtimes and getting irritated when one of us reads with the light on, the lamp glowing yellow in the room like ...
He says he married a girl who is sweet and merry
What would’ve happened if we’d never met – only shared a glance and a smile across a packed auditorium, the fresh lacquer smell of the stage mingling with stale cigarette ...
Wildwood couldn’t be much farther. After a few minutes a sign informed him that their exit was coming up, then they were at the junction, and he was standing on ...
My ex-fiancé, Sherrie, was the kind of woman you might call “intense.” She slammed her palms on the table or whatever surface was available when she was mad for any ...
You wake up, panting. An ache has settled in the small of your back and the pressure is spreading. You hiss to get breath out of your lungs. The sheets ...
After leaving my lover by way of a kind but firm email, I cried for several hours. On receiving his sad but kind reply, I cried some more. Then I ...
In the summer of my second year of university, I was working in the kind of dingy, backstreet pub that seemed to consider the fact of being dingy and backstreet ...
It’s not stopping, this hugging. I saw it again tonight passing the kitchen, his noodle arms gliding from that batik robe as he stooped into her warm and willing hold. ...