How to comprehend our own sexual complexities before they inevitably seep into the characters we wish to convey? How not to get it wrong? Must we confine ourselves to what ...
Catherine McNamara talks to Bryan Okwesili about flash fiction and the writing life
Two friends meet again in the face of tragedy
Tom Vowler’s Every Seventh Wave reviewed
Mandira Pattnaik interviewed
About ...
I didn’t fall for flash fiction straightaway. There was an attraction, but I wasn’t sure about this fleeting, incisive form until I tried to nail it.
I keep thinking ahead to when this will be a memory. The worst spring. The spring when the blossoms and the birds were oblivious to our cries.
A conversation with Samuel Dodson
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Now I am standing before this timelessly powerful monument, breathing the cold air in awe, remembering the House of David and the crusades, thinking that this is the source, this ...
Doing a night feed with a milk-drunk baby in my arms. All of my decent ideas are formulated during night feeds, it’s a precious time for silence and space and ...
When I first read this piece I immediately felt alert, tense, curious, invited to reread, to guess, to be bounced about like a pinball on a fast glittery ride.
At first she liked the best of us, the quiet ones with jobs who had showers in the same place every morning. But she was a thirsty girl and soon ...
I realise I was never wired to say ‘no’ when my hippy aunt Merle is levelling me with two bottle green eyes asking for an egg donation.