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Every year, Litro publishes international editions focusing on different parts of the globe
Litro continues to illuminate the globe through its annual international editions, each year turning the spotlight on a new region to explore its rich literary tapestry.
In the latest World Series edition, “Breaking Borders,” guest edited by Chloe Aridjis, the focus shifts to Latin America. Aridjis, an acclaimed writer known for her boundary-crossing narratives, curates a collection that invites authors from eight Latin American countries to delve into their personal experiences with boundaries—both tangible and abstract. This edition unfolds a vibrant anthology of poetry, fiction, and essays, showcasing a diverse exploration of the theme and offering readers a profound insight into the continent’s contemporary literary landscape.
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Writers in this issue include:
- Carlos Fonseca – The Last
- Lina Meruane – Sleeping Beauties
- Natalia Toledo – Poems
- Fernando Torres – Bulletproofed
- and many, many, more
Chloe Aridjis
Chloe Aridjis grew up in the Netherlands and Mexico. She studied comparative litera- ture at Harvard followed by a PhD at Oxford in nineteenth-century French poetry and magic shows. Her first novel, Book of Clouds, won the Prix du Premier Roman Etranger in France in 2009. Her second novel, Asunder, is set in London's National Gallery. Chloe was the recipient of a Guggenheim Fellow- ship in 2014. She recently co-curated the Leonora Carrington exhibition at Tate Liver- pool (2015) and is starring in an artist's fea- ture film, “Female Human Animal,” directed by Josh Appignanesi, for release in 2017. She has just finished her third novel, Sea Mon- sters, due for publication in spring 2018.
Carlos Fonseca Suárez
Carlos Fonseca Suárez was born in Costa Rica in 1987 and grew up in Puerto Rico. His work has appeared in publications including The Guardian, the TLS, and The White Review. He was recently selected by the Fay Festival as one of the 39 most prom- ising Latin American writers under forty. Colonel Lágrimas (Restless Books) is his first novel. His new novel, Museo animal (Anagra- ma) is forthcoming this autumn. He teach- es at the University of Cambridge and lives in London.
Jorge Enrique Lage
Jorge Enrique Lage is a Cuban writer and editor. He’s published the books of sto- ries El color de la sangre diluida (2008) and Vultureffect (2015), and the novels Carbono 14. Una novela de culto (2010), La autopista: the movie (2014) and Archivo (2015).
Lina Meruane
Lina Meruane, a writer from Chile, has authored short stories and four award-win- ning novels – the latest was translated into English as Seeing Red (Atlantic Books). She has also published three essay books. A pro- fessor at New York University, she is current- ly enjoying a grant from the DAAD Artists in Berlin Program. Photo by Daniel Mordzinski
Michel Laub
Michel Laub was born in Porto Alegre andcurrentlylivesinSãoPaulo.HeisaWrit- er and journalist, and has been named one of the Granta’s twenty ‘Best of Young Brazilian Novelists’. Two of his books are translated to English and published by Harvill Secker: Di- ary of The Fall, shortlisted for the 2016 In- ternational Dublin Literary Award, and A Poison Apple. Photo by Renato Parada
Natalia Toledo
Natalia Toledo (born in Juchitán, Mexico) was the first woman to write and publish in the indigenous language of Zapotec. She has published four volumes of poetry in bi- lingual form (Isthmus Zapotec and Spanish). Her poetry has been translated into English, French, German, Vietnamese, and Italian. In 2004 she received the Premio Nacional de Literatura Nezahualcoyotl for her book of poetry, Guie' yaase'/Olivo negro.
Antônio Xerxenesky
Antônio Xerxenesky was born in Por- to Alegre, Brazil, in 1984. He is the author of the short story collection A página assom- brada por fantasmas (2011), and two nov- els, Areia nos dentes (2008), and F (2014).
G.Bostock (Kenneth G Bostock, Mexico City) is a poet, architect and conceptual art- ist. He currently is based in London, having in the past lived in Sao Paulo, Mexico City, Los Angeles and Copenhagen. As a poet he has published eight works both in Spanish and English focusing formally on the long poem as conceptual riposte. He was a partic- ipant in the Serpentine Gallery Poetry Mara- thon curated by Hans Ulrich Obrist and was a contributor to the literary almanac Man- dorla: New Writings from the Americas. He currently is working on a series of pieces ex- ploring geological traits in language inspired by travel notes written in Iceland.
Guadalupe Nettel
Guadalupe Nettel, a Bogotá 39 author and Granta “Best Untranslated Writer”, has received numerous prestigious awards, in- cluding the Gilberto Owen National Lit- erature Prize, the Antonin Artaud Prize, the Ribera del Duero Short Fiction Award, and most recently the 2014 Herralde Nov- el Prize. She has published two English-lan- guage works of fiction with Seven Stories Press, Natural Histories (2014) and The Body Where I was Born (2015).
Alejandro Jodorowsky
Alejandro Jodorowsky is a Chilean- French film and theatre director, screenwrit- er, playwright, actor, author, poet, producer, composer, musician, comics writer, and spir- itual guru best known for his avant-garde films.
Yoss Num
Born José Miguel Sánchez Gómez in Ha- vana, Cuba, in 1969, Yoss assumed his pen name in 1988, when he won the Pre- mio David in the science-fiction category for Timshel. Since then, he has gone on to be- come one of Cuba’s most iconic literary fig- ures – as the author of more than twenty acclaimed books, as a champion of science fiction through his workshops in Cuba and around the world, and as the lead singer of the heavy metal band Tenaz. His two nov- els translated into English are A Planet for Rent and Super Extra Grande.
Eduardo Sánchez Rugeles
Eduardo Sánchez Rugeles is the au- thor of the novels Blue Label / Etiqueta Az- ul (2010), winner of the Ibero-American Novel Prize Arturo Uslar Pietri; Transilvania Unplugged (2011); Liubliana (2012), winner of the International Literary Prize Letras del Bicentenario Sor Juana Inés de la Cruz and of the Venezuela’s Critics’ Prize 2012; Jeza- bel (2013); and Julián (2014).
Rafael Gumucio
Rafael Gumucio is a Chilean writer and comedian. He has worked as a journalist for many national newspapers in Chile and Spain, as well as for in the New York Times, and is the author of the novels Comedia Nup- cial (2002), La deuda (2009),Milagro en Haití (2015), and El galán imperfecto (2017).
Claudia Salazar Jiménez
Claudia Salazar Jiménez is one of the most recognized Peruvian writers of her generation. Her debut novel Blood of the Dawn was awarded the Las Americas Narra- tive Prize of Novel in 2014. Her most recent publications are the collection of short stories Coordenadas Temporales (2016) and the his- toric novel for young adults 1814: año de la independencia (2017).
Julio Paredes
Julio Paredes is a Colombian writer, editor and translator. He is the author of collections of stories (Guía para extraviados,Asuntos familiares and Antología nocturnas, among others), novels (La celda sumergida and Cinco tardes con Simenon), and the biography Eugène Delacroix, El artista de la Libertad