A series of books to set the New York scene, plus some helpful bookstores when you’re looking for more.
For your next trip to this cosmopolitan labyrinth, pack your bags (or load your e-reader) with this quintessential London reading list from Jamie Leigh.
A. M. Bakalar, guest editor of our Poland issue, opens the door for the uninitiated to what’s going on right now in Polish literature. From a Stanisław Lem classic ...
Translator and blogger Katy Derbyshire gets us up to speed on the German literary scene with 11 contemporary books in translation you should be reading.
Today marks 150 years since the birth of the master of the ghost story, Montague Rhodes James. In the century since they were first published, James’s stories have never been ...
The dangers of reporting the news from the frontline have become all too apparent (though perhaps the term frontline is inappropriate, since many of today’s conflicts appear, to the outsider, ...
In the last few weeks, there have been a lot of column inches in the review sections of weekend papers dedicated to the new US bestseller The Art of Fielding, Chad ...
Well, it may be 2012 already but many of the recent weekend papers took the opportunity to look back at the bestselling books of 2011. I always find it good fun ...
This year, I’ve done a lot of reading.
This is not entirely surprising. I spent the first six months of 2011 working in a book store, and the second half on ...
The French have always done things in their own way. They’re headstrong and have a desire to be the best of the best of the best. They eat frogs’ legs ...
Despite very rarely winning anything, I am a competitive person. Although my days of playing team sports at school are now a distant memory, rather than mellowing with age, my ...
Film adaptations are becoming a very common trend, but where are all these stories coming from? Here are five books written by British writers that have made it big on ...
In the world of books, small is beautiful, but large is also impressive. Kimberley Chen casts an appreciative eye over some of the largest, smallest, most exhaustive or streamlined tomes ...
What drives you to write? It’s a simple question but one many of us never actually explore. Although we often plan and plot every last twist and turn of our ...
In case it slipped your mind, Sunday the 19th of June is a pretty important day. For a whole twenty four hours we are not allowed to ask our fathers for ...
The British summer is almost, but not quite, upon us. April taunted us with the promise of a long, hot summer, only to pull the carpet out from ...
Ah summer, the time when it is perfectly acceptable to sunbathe with your head in a book for hours. The time when you finally devote a week to that pet ...
Someone lost in a book is not an uncommon sight on the Tube. The next time you want to take a ten minute break from the rest of the world, ...
I guess the thing that appeals to me most in fiction is an emphasis on expressionism: the literary equivalent of (bear with me) the German Expressionist painters from the start ...