Pictures of 2011: Runners-up

Grace Andreacchi

The picture was snapped at the breakfast bar in the Caserma Cornoldi, an officers’ club of great antiquity in Venice (Petrarch lived there once) where  I, through great good fortune, happened to be staying in September. Memorable breakfast! and the coffee was good too.

Breakfast at the Caserma, Venezia

Grace Andreacchi is an American-born novelist, poet and playwright. Works include the novels Scarabocchio and Poetry and Fear, Music for Glass Orchestra (Serpent’s Tail), Give My Heart Ease (New American Writing Award) and the chapbook Berlin Elegies. Her work appears in Horizon Review, The Literateur, Cabinet des Fées and many other fine places. Grace is also managing editor at Andromache Books and writes the literary blog AMAZING GRACE. She lives in London.

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