Heidelberg, A Beautiful Life: 1946-1951

For a hungry populace, cigarettes, easily transported, standardized and divisible, bought food. At the time the Allies rationed less than 1000 calories per day. With cigarettes as money one could buy butter, eggs and meat from a farmer, sugar and other staples on the black and gray markets.

Florence Grende holds an MFA from the Stonecoast program at the University of Southern Maine. Her stories and poems have appeared in Babel Fruit, Poetica, The Sun, The Berkshire Review, The Women’s Times, HotMetalBridge.org, in the anthology Robot Hearts, and, upcoming March of 2014, in the anthology The Widow’s Handbook. Heidelberg: A Beautiful Place 1946-1951 is an excerpt from her memoir, Out of Silence, currently seeking a publisher.