Litro is looking for a new Arts Editor – are you passionate about theatre, live performance and art and able to convey that passion in writing?
You started surveying in New York amongst poor Blacks who brought their blues, jazz, and spirituals to the city of rectangular skyscrapers.
In the Americas, your start was bloody. It was based on the dispossession and genocide of the Natives as your men in long pants cackled in English, Portuguese, Spanish, French.
We ride the trains incessantly, and they in reality go nowhere. They circle the 500 square miles of our city that has few trees but clean air.
Everything is closed. The offices that tower to the sky in the skyscrapers, the schools, churches, restaurants, theaters, public gathering places of all sorts.
This month in Litro #148 we explore the notion of what Going Home – means to us. Is it a familiar physical space? A refuge? A feeling? A state ...
Welcome to Litro #147 – the Space issue. In this issue we explore the world’s ever-evolving urban social landscape. We’ve got art, stories, essays, cartoons, interviews – all examining the ...
The theme of this year’s competition is Movement, and we’re asking entrants to inspire and captivate us with compelling stories around this concept. Stories must be no longer than 2,500 ...
What’s more difficult than writing a good story? Writing good dialogue. Dialogue is an essential part of every writer’s arsenal. Get it right and it can do wonders for your ...
Many a creative writing professor has lectured me on the pivotal role a “sense of place” plays in fiction. Writers work hard at creating credible worlds in which to set ...
Tortured beasts, addicted to alcohol and drugs, full of whimsy and imagination, conjuring creations with their gut, their anger, using their addiction, their coffee and cigarettes, their absinthe and hallucinogenic ...
Novelists are caught in a double bind. The novel is a sprawling expanse that offers us the scope for detailed excavation and explanation.
To get under a word’s skin is sheer joy. To tap into the incredible power of language to shape a story is a grand adventure.
As we introduce our new fortnightly food blog Food For Thought, we reflect on the place of food writing in our culture today.
In youth we were thunder-bringing, earth-shaking, feather-footed kids. We lived in the suburbs, all those perfect houses in rows and all their perfectly manicured lawns, but sometimes when we were ...
Last week over at Litro UK, the team in London ran the latest in our series of literary experiments on Twitter. We asked our UK followers to write a collective ...
Katrina Otuonye joins the LitroNY Editorial team as the Online Editor.
I wondered what might happen to people who don’t feel like they’ve found themselves; they don’t know who they are so they don’t know where they fit in. Was there ...
Join the discussion of our current Book Club pick, Danny Wallace’s Who is Tom Ditto
Writing Prize Deadline Extended