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Diana J Wynne time travels into the past of her family through the recordings they left, from the 78 LPs of her great-grandfather, Kid Morris the boxer and his housekeeper ...
Tea and Tear Gas in Turkey
In her column Slow Travel Stories, Claire Harris witnesses the police using tear gas on demonstrators in Taksim Square, Istanbul.
The Summer of the Moon Landing
20th July, 1969 – Neil Armstrong is taking one small step for man, and on the American river, California, Cheryl Diane Kidder is being forced to wear a swimsuit with ...
Toy Guns and Pocket Knives in Beirut
“We have a joke in Shatila. The devil comes to take a man to hell. The man tells him, ‘I will be happy to go with you because anything must ...
Heading South: My Big Trip to Plumstead
Would you brave south London in a new car? Sno Flo takes a drive, discovering cultural divides and the joys of being a tourist in her home town.
Forget Paris. When in Rome…
Slow Travel Stories: Claire Harris is stranded in Paris and Rome, and discovers that midnight busking comes with some risks.
The English Slaughters
Claire Harris continues her Slow Travel column with a stint as a carer to an ageing English aristocrat with a penchant for whiskey and speeding disabled vans.
New £15,000 Essay Prize Announced
A new award for essay writing with a £15, 000 first prize has been announced. Named in honour of the master of the English essay, the William Hazlitt Essay Prize ...
Dancing Barefoot Under the Montana Sky
“If you folks aint got nothing to do this evening, you might wanna pull the chairs out onto the porch and sit watchin’ the cars go down the highway.” Claire ...
Slow Boat to Timbuktu
“Don’t look down the sides,” one of my fellow travellers says. Whatever you do, you do not wanna see what is underneath us,” Which naturally makes us rush to peel ...
Two Miscarriages
Today we find out whether you are the one to be with us or not. It has been a terrible few days, full of worry and anxiety. I have hummed ...
Say It with Flowers
The understanding I have of my grandparent’s lives is fake. It comes to me in Chinese whispers from biased observers. It sloshes around in my imagination until it seems to ...
Nothing Changes in Tbilisi. In Tbilisi, Everything Changes.
Tara Isabella Burton on her search for a sense for belonging and an elegy for a rapidly disappearing city: “One of Saakashvili’s new visa schemes attracts Iranian tourists, enticing them ...
Digital Subscriptions, Litro #123: Mystery, Travel&Lifestyle
The Enduring Appeal of the Mystery Story
The critic Tzvetan Todorov once suggested that the trick to writing a successful detective story was being sure not to innovate. The great genre work is that which best and ...
Why James Blake Is Better Than All of Us
No matter how depressed James Blake may get, he’ll never be as depressed as someone who isn’t James Blake. Someone who isn’t world famous. Someone who doesn’t have the attention ...
Denial: A Former Call Girl Shares Her Story
When I worked as a call girl, I relied on, and needed, denial to function in life. That denial was essential in order to work. To have sex with men ...
Digital Subscriptions, Litro #122: Sex, Travel&Lifestyle
Purple Bra
I am not interested in art but I am interested in sex, so after I first learned of Currin in a New Yorker profile in January, 2008, his name and ...
Skateboarding the City (Part II): Yeah, Yeah, Industrial Estate
Scattered across the industrial estates and urban wastelands the whole world over, groups of like-minded individuals who speak the common language of skateboarding are reclaiming lost scraps of land and ...
Skateboarding the City (Part I): Stories of the Street
Back when I first learned to flop up kerbs and ride down my mum’s street without falling off, skateboarding was the be-all-and-end-all; an all-encompassing fog that influenced my every movement, ...
My Hijab, My Identity
I tried so hard to fit in. Any time I would talk about pictures, from prom or any other event, I always made sure to mention the fact that I ...